The Cleric Climbs

The Cleric Climbs…

Mountains figure prominently in the Biblical narrative. Moses climbed mountains to meet God, to receive the Law, and to die.  Elijah retreated to a mountain the meet the Lord as he passed by, and Jesus climbed mountains to preach and be transformed.  Jerusalem itself is referred to as the mountain of the Lord. Even before I knew the Lord I was attracted to mountains for their sheer majesty.

I climbed the Matterhorn when I was 12, Mount Whitney and Mont Blanc when I was 13, and Monte Rosa when I was 16. As soon as I could drive my friend and I were off to Taquitz Peak, Joshua Tree, and Yosemite. My daughter and I have climbed all 58 USGS named 14,000 foot peaks in Colorado and many unnamed ones, and I’m working on the 50 state high points. You never need God the way you need him in the mountains, nor does he speak or act more clearly than when we are on the heights.  Join with me in some thoughts about mountains.

Photo credit this page: Mitch Dobrowner.  Unbelievable!