God is My Friend: A Primer for Children

By January 14, 2018Cleric Listens

A friend accepts all people

“… God treats you and me the same.”  Romans 2:11


A friend accepts people as they are

“… while we were still me people, Christ died for US!.”   Romans 5:8

A friend forgets our mistakes

“I will forgive and forget all the wrong things.”  Jeremiah 31:34b


A friend gives us a place to stay

“Make your home in my love.”  John 15:9b


A friend is easy to please

“I won’t lay anything heavy on you.”  Matthew 11:30 TM


A friend knows what makes us happy

“’I know the plans I have for you,’ says God, ‘They are for good and not for bad, to give you a future and a hope.’”  Jeremiah 29:11


A friend doesn’t keep secrets

“I call you friends, and tell you everything that I have heard from our Father.”  John 15:15b JBP


A friend warns of danger

“Not everyone who calls me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will go to heaven …”  Matthew 7:21a


A friend knows what makes us sad

“… your wrong things keep you from your God,”  Isaiah 59:2


A friend lets us choose

“Do you want to get well?”  John 5:6b NIV


When we cannot do something, a friend will do it for us.

“… I don’t live any more, but Christ lives in me.”  Galatians 2:20a  Beck


A friend is easy to find

“I stand at the door.  I knock.  If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.”  Revelation 3:20a TM


God is MY friend

“Abraham believed God … and he was called God’s friend.”  James 2:23 NIV


Author Robert

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